A Huge Sucking Sound

Subtitled 'Gentleman Take Polaroids' and other Japan song titles. I would like to personally hear from everyone who likes David Sylvian. Just so I can understand exactly why. Seriously, my email address is frakcture@outgun.com. Inquiring minds want to know...

Monday, May 01, 2006


The pop album has long been an interesting medium. The Beatles showed what could be done with it and it's rendered various results over the past almost 40 years. The albums from which everyones closers were taken on the previous post all have their own ebb and flow from one song to another. Those last songs capped off their respective albums in a moving or provocative manner. This is why I picked the songs I did, and may well have been why you did also.

The pop single, however, has become increasingly necessary in this fast-paced world. Just as the album, this idiom has been explored in both banal and engaging ways. The Smiths built an empire on singles, just to mention one example. In the age of the mp3 and the IPOD, bands are getting huge off singles. Bands who would have never been heard of otherwise. I can't say I enjoy most of them, but it's interesting to contemplate.

I still love albums, and many of you despite your busy schedules still make time to listen to them. Thanks for your lists. Feel free to put more on here if you think of any.


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